The CEA is what we make of it - we are a member driven and member operated organization. There are many opportunities for you to get more involved in the CEA and most of them are listed here. The opportunities vary in the time required and intensity. They can be fun, challenging, professionally engaging, and/or just jobs that need to be done. Whatever your interests and availability, your commitment is crucial. Pick one of these opportunities and come make our union … [Read more...]
CEA Asks for a fair contract NOW!
Over 100 CEA members came to the Cambridge School Committee meeting on March 7, 2017 to deliver a petition signed by over 750 CEA members asking for a fair Unit A/B Contract soon. Educators have been without a contract since August and the bargaining team has been frustrated with the slow progress. The CEA members were showing their support for all of the hard work their bargaining team has put into the negotiations to date. Here is some of what was said: The … [Read more...]
Paraprofessional Contract Update
4 Updates from the paraprofessionals contract Health Insurance Waiver Open Enrollment, Hubway reimbursement, PD Stipend, Attendance Stipend Any Unit E member who do not receive health insurance through Cambridge is entitled to a $1600 health insurance waiver program, however, there has typically been a limited window to enter this program. As a result of the new contract, there will be a one time opportunity from October 7 through November 7. You will receive information at your home … [Read more...]
CEA positions on DDMs
The following are documents related to the CEA's positions on DDMs Letter to respond to the district CEA Position on Impact Rating Specific Responses to Resources … [Read more...]
Unit E (Paraprofessional Contract, Unit D (Substitute) contract news
The school committee approved #16-67 Recommendation: Approval of Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement for Cambridge Education Association Unit E September 1, 2015-August 31, 2018 at tonight's school committee meeting. It passed unanimously. The Unit D (Substitute) tentative agreement has passed. The School Committee needs to vote to finalize it. Thank you to all the substitutes that took the time to vote. Special Thank you to the Bargaining Team: Mark Cantor, Jill Coleman, … [Read more...]