Since January 2021, the CEA has undergone a process to ReImagine the CEA. The goals have been to Reimagine the CEA to be: More inclusive for members and leaders Connected across the CEA Better aligned with our mission To learn more, visit our ReImagining The CEA Website … Continue Reading
Latest Local Association News – To view members-only content, please log in.
2019 School Committee Questionnaire and Forum
The CEA posed 9 questions to the candidates for school committee on a questionnaire. Each and every one responded! Click on a question to see how all 11 candidates responded to that question, or click on the candidate's name to see their responses to the 9 questions. We also held a Candidate's … Continue Reading
2019 CEA Breakfast Schedule
The CEA will provide bagels, yogurt, granola, fruit, coffee and OJ at each School/building this fall. CEA President Dan Monahan and Executive Board Reps will be there to talk with you and distribute TShirts, Membership Cards, Buttons, Magnets and more!! School/Building Date Time 159 … Continue Reading
2018 CEA Breakfast Schedule
This fall the CEA will provide bagels, yogurt, granola, fruit at each School/building. CEA President Dan Monahan and Executive Board Reps will be there to talk with you and distribute TShirts, Membership Cards, Buttons, Magnets and more!! School/Building Date 159 Thorndike … Continue Reading
Educators of Color Committee
This committee did some great work last year, including organizing Engaging Educators: Conversations about race among Cambridge Educators, and initiating affinity base Employee Resource groups. This year we plan to continue and improve on this work. This is not an affinity group, but rather a committee … Continue Reading
Janus Decision Rendered – The attack on workers continues
The Cambridge Education Association is angered that the U.S. Supreme Court sided with right-wing billionaires in their attacks on workers and unions in the Janus v. AFSCME case. But we are neither surprised nor intimidated. We know that our ability to organize and to bargain fair contracts means that our … Continue Reading
NEA, MTA and CTQ Teacher Leadership Institute Fellowship Applications Open
The Teacher Leadership Institute is a cohort-based learning experience that runs from October 2018 to August, 2019. Its aim is to prepare classroom teachers for leadership roles. Each cohort consists of about 300 participants from around the country honing their expertise and engaging in … Continue Reading

Building Equity Bridges Grant
Dear colleagues, I’m writing to officially launch our CEA work on the “Building Equity Bridges” grant. As you might recall, the grant is a partnership between CPS and the CEA to deepen our understanding of the root causes of inequity in our schools. On the “CEA side” of the grant, we’ve created … Continue Reading
2017 School Committee Candidate Responses
The CEA asked all 2017 Cambridge School Committee Candidates to answer the following eight questions about issues that are important to our members. The questions were emailed to all candidates at the email listed on on September 28 and were told to respond by Monday, October … Continue Reading
Testimony to Senate Education Committee on High Stakes Testing
On Tuesday, September 12, CEA president Dan Monahan testified before the Senate Education Committee urging them to support S. 308. In particular, he spoke about the impacts of our over reliance on high stakes testing and how S. 308 can put us on a better track. Here is his verbal and written … Continue Reading