The Cambridge Education Association is angered that the U.S. Supreme Court sided with right-wing billionaires in their attacks on workers and unions in the Janus v. AFSCME case. But we are neither surprised nor intimidated. We know that our ability to organize and to bargain fair contracts means that our students have access to the best possible education and that our community’s public school employees are treated fairly. The forces behind the Janus case do not want educators and other … [Read more...]
CEA in the News for No On 2!
The CEA was in the news twice this week! First, Cambridge Day had an Op Ed from the CEA about charter schools that was endorsed by over 80 CEA Educators. Click here to check it out! Last Monday, October 24, 15 CEA members held signs and talked to voters about Question 2 in front of City Hall prior to the roundtable on charter schools. We were mentioned and there was a photo of a No On 2 sticker in the Cambridge Day Article about the event. Click here to read the article. Unfortunately the … [Read more...]
Unit A/B Evaluation Update October 2016
Below you will find information about The Evaluations Process Working Group. The October 15 Deadline. October 25 PD Session on Evaluations DDMs Overall The Timeline sent out by the district. We are looking for a few good members to join the Evaluations Process Working Group. The first meeting is October 24th at 3:30 at Thorndike. If you want to make this process better, we need your voice! Contact Dan Monahan ( OCTOBER 15 Deadline: Because the … [Read more...]
Death Knell for DDMS? NOT
The Commissioner of DESE issued a memo about his recommendation to the Board of Education to eliminate the Rating of Impact On Student Learning, which is the component of the evaluation system that included DDMs. At first glance, this might seem like a win; however, he goes on to indicate that his recommendation will include the use of test scores in the summative rating (your overall rating of Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory.) The effective use of assessments, … [Read more...]
CEA positions on DDMs
The following are documents related to the CEA's positions on DDMs Letter to respond to the district CEA Position on Impact Rating Specific Responses to Resources … [Read more...]