The CEA is what we make of it – we are a member driven and member operated organization. There are many opportunities for you to get more involved in the CEA and most of them are listed here. The opportunities vary in the time required and intensity. They can be fun, challenging, professionally engaging, and/or just jobs that need to be done. Whatever your interests and availability, your commitment is crucial. Pick one of these opportunities and come make our union stronger! Email your interests to Dan at or
Here are the opportunities, details are below. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
- Unit C (Clerks), Unit D (Subs) and Unit E (Paraprofessionals)
Contract Negotiating Teams
- CEA Executive Board
- Superintendent’s Advisory Committee
- Faculty Advisory (at each school)
- Educators of Color Affairs
- Political Action
- Membership
- Hospitality/Social
- Finance
Unit C (Clerks), Unit D (Subs) and Unit E (Paraprofessionals) Contract Negotiating Teams: All three of these contracts expire before next school year, so we need to negotiate new ones. We only get this chance about once every three years, so this is your opportunity to represent your Unit and make a big impact. The time commitment varies significantly depending on how the negotiations proceed but can be substantial. We anticipate the maximum to be a couple of hours every other week through a substantial part of the school year, but that is an estimate. Paras tend to be the most time consuming followed by clerks and substitutes, but that is also tentative.
CEA Executive Board: An EBoard Rep represents members at monthly Executive Board meetings held Tuesdays from 3:30 – 5:00 in the CRLS Media Cafe. Reps are a significant conduit of two-way communication between members and leadership. You would send out weekly informational emails to members, facilitate an occasional (approximately monthly) 10 minute meeting with your members (usually before or after school or a faculty meeting), and can be called on to support a member in meetings with administration. You are also on the Faculty Advisory Committee of your school. Each School, Learning Community, or Unit elects 2-3 representatives (1 per 25 members). There is one representative of Unit A (Thorndike) district-based members, and 2 Unit B (administrators), 3 Unit C (Clerks), 2 Unit D (Substitutes) and 11 Unit E (Paraprofessionals) representatives. Meetings: A and C Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 9/12, 9/26(training) 10/3, 11/14, 12/5, 1/02, 2/13, 3/06, 4/10, 5/15, 6/12
Superintendent’s Advisory Committee: The SAC will meet monthly this year with the superintendent “to discuss and advise upon matters of curriculum, including major district-wide program initiatives, personnel and other professional issues relating to the schools.” It is an opportunity to both raise questions with the Superintendent and to provide him feedback on his thoughts. The SAC is assembled for the length of a contract so we need to elect a new committee with this new contract. It is currently only in the Unit A/B contract. The composition of the committee is determined by the Superintendent and CEA President, and representatives are elected by membership. Meetings: Mondays 4:00 – 5:00 10/2, 11/6, 12/11, 1/8, 2/5, 3/26, 4/30, 5/14
Faculty Advisory Committees: Faculty Advisory Committees are school based committees of teachers and paraprofessionals and should meet monthly with the principal “to review and discuss mutual concerns and make recommendations for their solution.” “The faculty advisory committee will also serve as an advisor to the Principal/Head of Upper School concerning the content for in-building early release days, including, but not limited to, professional development activities.” The composition of the committee is up to the school, and members are elected. The Eboard Reps and Officers at the school are on the committee, but it would ease their burden if another member from the school organized and facilitated the meetings. (NOTE: Creating highly functioning FACs is a continued priority of the CEA this year.) Meetings: Up to each committee, but about monthly
Educators of Color Affairs: This committee did some great work last year, including organizing Teacher Talk: Conversations about race among Cambridge Educators, and presented what we learned from the event and survey to the superintendent. This year we plan to create affinity groups and have another Teacher Talk. This is not an affinity group, but rather a committee of advocates for educators of color that is all inclusive. It will likely be at least a monthly meeting. Meetings: A Thursdays 9/14, 10/19, 11/30, 1/11, 2/8, 3/15, 4/12, 5/17, 6/14
Political Action Committee: This committee has taken on a variety of causes. This fall we will be working on the School Committee and City Council elections. We will also be working on the state legislative agenda and potential ballot questions like on issues of adequate state funding and high stakes testing. Always room for someone to get involved! Meetings: TBD
Membership Committee: Support our new members – work through the CEA to make sure all of our new members feel welcome, empowered and engaged. This committee is responsible for enrolling members and “shall inform members of the policies, programs, services and accomplishments of the CEA. It furthermore shall develop and conduct year-long programs for the orientation of new teachers to the community, the school system and the CEA.” The commitment will be up to the committee. Meetings: TBD
Hospitality/Social Committee: This committee organizes social events for members. Events in the past have included gatherings at local watering holes, and also going to sporting or other events around town. The commitment is up to the committee. Meetings: TBD
Finance Committee: The Finance committee tracks the finances of the organization and recommends the budget to the Executive Board for approval. The commitment would mostly involve a couple of meetings in the spring. Meetings: TBD