The CEA was in the news twice this week! First, Cambridge Day had an Op Ed from the CEA about charter schools that was endorsed by over 80 CEA Educators. Click here to check it out! Last Monday, October 24, 15 CEA members held signs and talked to voters about Question 2 in front of City Hall prior to the roundtable on charter schools. We were mentioned and there was a photo of a No On 2 sticker in the Cambridge Day Article about the event. Click here to read the article. Unfortunately the … [Read more...]
No On 2 Update 10/11/16
We continue to make good progress, but with the election a month away, we need everyone! If you want to get more involved, click here. Mark your calendars for upcoming events: October 24, 5PM City Hall Visibility before the City Council and School Committee roundtable on Charter Schools. HUGE EVENT. Do what you can to make it! VLUS, King and Baldwin teachers have already signed up. Contact Dan Monahan ( October 23, 12-4 Canvass with Michael Connolly in East … [Read more...]
No On 2 Update 9/27/16
Last week the CEA action heated up. Click here to get see upcoming events and get involved! • The CEA Political Action Committee met to plan out actions between now and the election. Click here to see details of the upcoming events. • Several members made calls at the CEA office on Wednesday evening. • At the Cambridge Street Upper School Block Party on Thursday, many of our members were sporting No On 2 Stickers. • Linda Costa organized a CEA visibility in Porter Square on Thursday … [Read more...]
Nominations/Election of Building Representatives to the CEA Executive Board & Unit Meetings
As we approach a new school year it is time to elect representatives fromeach unit to the CEA Executive Board. I want to thank all of our past faculty representatives for their work on behalf of their colleagues. I encourage everyone to get involved and consider serving as a building representative. There is a $200 stipend to all board members that attend 80% of the Executive Board Meetings and the Building Rep. training. In order for the CEA to effectively represent all teachers, … [Read more...]
Election Results
Below are the CEA Election Results from the election held on Monday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 22, 2016. Thank you so much for your help with the current elections. It was a monumental task on top of everything we do each day with our students. Particularly, I want to thank all the candidates for participating and continuing to give Cambridge a vibrant voice in the CEA, the MTA, and the NEA. In addition, all of you who joined in the discourse about the elections helped clarify why we do … [Read more...]