The conference will be held Nov. 16-18 at the Boston Marriott Quincy, 1000 Marriott Drive, Quincy. The MTA has 25 scholarships available that will cover a portion of the registration cost and include meals and conference events. Scholarship recipients will be responsible for $75 and the cost of lodging. The conference offers participants positive, focused opportunities for discussion circles, interactive panels and informative sessions on a variety of topics central to the main theme of race … [Read more...]
2017-2018 NEA Minority and Women’s Leadership Training Conference EAST
The training will be held Oct. 27-29 at the Westin Peachtree Plaza, 210 Peachtree St. NW, Atlanta, GA. The MTA has six (6) slots available that are NEA-funded and that will cover the cost of registration, hotel and flights. The purpose of the training is to prepare early-career educators and emerging leaders to be powerful advocates for their students, their profession and their associations. The hands-on training curriculum teaches participants foundational leadership skills, the logistics of … [Read more...]
CEA Opportunities 2017
The CEA is what we make of it - we are a member driven and member operated organization. There are many opportunities for you to get more involved in the CEA and most of them are listed here. The opportunities vary in the time required and intensity. They can be fun, challenging, professionally engaging, and/or just jobs that need to be done. Whatever your interests and availability, your commitment is crucial. Pick one of these opportunities and come make our union … [Read more...]
Just for New Teachers Conference
The MTA New Member Committee is pleased to announce the 16th annual Just for New Teachers (JFNT) Conference, to be held at Worcester Technical High School on November 4, 2017. This conference will be free of charge to MTA members. Members who register by October 18 will receive a personalized gift at the conference. JFNT provides new educators in their first five years of practice the perfect opportunity to meet with fellow educators and get advice on best practices in teaching all … [Read more...]
Unit A/B Committees for the New Contract
The New Unit A/B contract has many new and existing opportunities for educator voice. This was a huge priority of the bargaining team based on input from members throughout the process. Now we all need to step up to the plate to have our voices heard! If you are interested in participating in one or more of these committees, use this link to nominate yourself. The nomination period is from now until June 2, 2017 at 4 PM. Nominees should complete a bio of no more … [Read more...]