CEA Executive Board (Also called Building Representatives)
An EBoard Rep represents members at monthly Executive Board meetings held Tuesdays from 3:30 – 5:00 in the CRLS Media Cafe. Reps are a significant means of two-way communication between members and leadership. You would facilitate an occasional (approximately monthly) 10 minute meeting with your members (usually before or after school or a faculty meeting), and can be called on to support a member in meetings with administration. You are also on the Faculty Advisory Committee of your school. Each School, Learning Community, or Unit elects 2-3 representatives (1 per 25 members). There is one representative of Unit A (Thorndike) district-based members, and 2 Unit B (administrators), 3 Unit C (Clerks), 2 Unit D (Substitutes) and 11 Unit E (Paraprofessionals) representatives.
Meetings: A and C Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 9/11, 9/25 (training) 10/2, 11/13, 12/4, 1/8, 2/5, 3/19, 4/2, 5/7 and 6/4
• Attend 80% of Executive Board Meetings, plus one training
• $200 Stipend
• Organize 10 minute meetings, once per month, invite CEA president
• Sit on the Faculty Advisory Committee at your school
• Membership support
Distribute membership cards to existing members
Give Welcome packet to newly signed up members
Support member sign-up with the Member Chair – folks who have not yet signed up
Make sure member contact information is up to date
• New member outreach – connect with new members 3 times during the year
• Manage the CEA Bulletin Board at your school
• Be the first contact when issues arise, connect to CEA president when needed