To: All CPS Educators
From: Joint Labor/Management Professional Development Committee
Date: November 28, 2016
Re: Guidance for Learning Outside of Choice Courses
In order to clarify whether or not “homework” outside of choice course hours may be assigned, the Professional Development Committee issues the following guidance:
· Homework policy for choice courses: In general, a 10-hour choice course will not require work outside of the 10 hours. Additional resources (readings, videos or online resources) may be assigned or recommended outside of the course hours as they serve to deepen the learning in the course between sessions, but opportunities to review those recommended resources will be provided as part of the 10 hours.
· Moving forward, instructors will make every effort to indicate whether or not “homework” is part of the course as far in advance as possible.
Work OUTSIDE of the course hours IS a requirement for choice courses offering Masters Plus and Increment credit.