Cambridge City Council says NO to Raising the Charter School Cap.
Tonight the Cambridge City Council debated and voted the resolution below. The vote was 5 Yes (McGovern, Kelley, Simmons, Maher, Mazen); 3 No (Carlone, Devereux and Toomey) 1 Absent (Cheung).
WHEREAS: The creation of charter schools has created a two-tiered educational system that draws resources away from the broad group of public school students to serve a narrow select few; and
WHEREAS: A recent initiative is seeking to expand charter schools in the state by allowing the authorization of up to twelve new charters in a year; and
WHEREAS: Lifting the cap on charter schools would divert even more resources from the traditional public school system – resources such as qualified teachers and money that would improve district schools; and
WHEREAS: Many educational organizations, including teachers’ unions vocally oppose charter expansion; now therefore be it RESOLVED: That the City Council go on record in opposition to raising the cap on charter schools, supporting the improvement of district public schools and the equitable division of educational resources; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to the elected Cambridge delegation in the House and Senate, and to Governor Baker on behalf of the entire City Council.